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## Post install script for Ubuntu 22.04 server
### Prerequisites
A clean Ubuntu 22.04 server although this should work on Ubuntu 20.04 as well.
> This will configure sshd with the following.\
> PermitRootLogin no\
> PasswordAuthentication no
> So be sure to have your public keys in place or you wont be able to login after the script has completed.
### Download the script
git clone https://git.x-files.dk/ubuntu-server/ubuntu-postinstall.git
### Usage
cd ubuntu-postinstall
sudo ./ubuntu-postinstall [-n] <hostname or fqdn> [-i] <ip>=<ipaddr or dhcp> [-g] <gateway>=<ipaddr> [-t] <timezone>=<dk est pst cst utc> [-s] <sync time via ntp>=<y or n> [-help] help
### Example 1
cd ubuntu-postinstall
sudo ./postinstall -n host1.hostname -i dhcp -t est -s n
### Example 2
cd ubuntu-postinstall
sudo ./postinstall -n host1.hostname -i -g -t dk -s y
### Additional software beeing installed
apt-transport-https - colordiff - dnsutils - expect - facter - fdupes - fping - htop - iftop - iotop - mailutils - mcrypt - net-tools - nfs-common - nmap - ntpdate - plocate - postfix - saidar - software-properties-common - sshpass - traceroute
> **NOTE**
> In order to get rid of popups for kernel updates and reloading of services when doing apt update etc. the needrestart.conf has been modified.
### Postinstall
Nothing to do.
### More guides
More guides can be found on [\[wiki.x-files.dk\]](https://wiki.x-files.dk)
### Last tested
January 12th 2024 on Ubuntu 22.04.