#!/bin/bash ################################################################################################### # First Created: 25012024 Author: Allan Desc: Installs Gitea on Ubuntu requires Nginx and MariaDB # ################################################################################################### # # Are we root # if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "" && echo "Must be root or use sudo" && echo "" ; exit ; fi # # Are we in the right directory # scriptdir="gitea-multi-install" && whereami=$(pwd |awk -F'/' '{print $NF}') if [ $whereami != $scriptdir ]; then printf "\nWrong directory! Script must be run from $scriptdir\n\n" ; exit ; fi # # Define variables and functions # red='\033[0;31m' ; bred='\033[1;31m' ; green='\033[0;92m' ; blue='\033[0;36m' ; bold='\033[1m' ; normal='\033[0m' line (){ for i in {1..50}; do echo -n "$1"; done && printf "\n"; } giteauser=$(cat /etc/passwd |grep "gitea" |awk -F':' '{print $1}' | sort -V |sed 's/gitea//g' |tail -n 1) giteadb="db" giteaport="3000" gitealocation="/usr/local/bin/gitea" giteaversion=$(tail -1 version) nginxfiles="/etc/nginx/nginxsnippets" # # Function title # title () { printf "\nGitea multi instance install script V1.0 \n\n"; } # # Function usage # usage () { clear ; printf -- "\n" printf -- "${bold}giteamultiinstall${normal} \n\n" printf -- "${bold}Usage:${normal} \n" printf -- "./giteainstall [-n] \n" printf -- " [-p] \n" printf -- " [-help] \n\n" printf -- "${bold}Examples:${normal} \n" printf -- "./giteamultiinstall -n git.something.xyz -p giteadatabsepwd\n\n"; } # # Function to check if a service is already running or not # serviceno () { printf "\n$service is not running cannot continue...\n\n"; } servicedead () { status=$(systemctl is-active $service); if [[ "$status" != "active" ]]; then serviceno ; exit; fi; } # # Function input check # inputcheck () { if [[ -z "$hostname" ]]; then usage ; printf "${bold}Error! ${normal}Hostname Empty...\n\n" ; exit; fi if [[ -z "$giteapwd" ]]; then usage ; printf "${bold}Error! ${normal}Database Password Empty...\n\n" ; exit; fi; } # # If Nginx and MariaDB is not running then die # service="mariadb" ; servicedead ; service="nginx" ; servicedead # # Display title # clear ; title # # Configure command line options # if [[ ! $@ =~ ^\-.+ ]]; then usage; fi while getopts "n:p:h:" option; do case $option in n) # hostname hostname=$(echo ${OPTARG} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]');; p) # database password giteapwd=$OPTARG;; h) # display help usage ; exit;; \?) # invalid option printf "Type $0 -help for help\n\n" ; exit;; esac done # # Check if input conditions are met # inputcheck $hostname $giteapwd # # Check if a Nginx conf file with the hostname allready exists # hostcheck=$(grep -r --exclude="giteainstall" --exclude="postinstall" --exclude="README.md" $hostname /etc/nginx/ *) if [ ! -z "$hostcheck" ]; then printf "Found a configuration file already containing $hostname in /ect/nginx/* going to abort...\n" ; exit ; fi # # Download gitea only if gitea does not allready exists in /etc/gitea # if [ ! -f $gitealocation ] then wget --no-verbose https://dl.gitea.com/gitea/$giteaversion/gitea-$giteaversion-linux-amd64 mv gitea-$giteaversion-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/gitea ; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gitea else : ; fi # # Check if nginxsnippets exist if not download them # if [[ ! -d "$nginxfiles" ]]; then git clone --quiet https://git.x-files.dk/ubuntu-web-server/nginx-install.git ; cp -R nginx-install/nginxsnippets /etc/nginx fi # # Find the next Gitea user number and port # if [ -z "$giteauser" ] then giteauser="gitea1" ; giteaport="3001" else nextuser=$(($giteauser + 1)) ; giteaport=$(($giteaport + $nextuser)) ; giteauser="gitea$nextuser" fi # # Create Gitea database # giteasql=" connect mysql create database $giteauser$giteadb; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $giteauser$giteadb.* TO '$giteauser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY '$giteapwd'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; " printf '%s\n' "${giteasql[@]}" |sed '1d; $d' > giteasql.sql mysql < giteasql.sql # # Create a Gitea Nginx configuration file # curl --silent curl https://git.x-files.dk/ubuntu-web-server/nginx-install/raw/branch/main/cfg-apps/gitea.80.conf > /etc/nginx/conf.d/$hostname.conf sed -s -i "s/DOMAIN/$hostname/g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/$hostname.conf # # Restarting Nginx for changes to take effect systemctl restart nginx # # Create Gitea user # adduser --system --group --disabled-password --shell /bin/bash --home /home/$giteauser --gecos 'Git Version Control' $giteauser # # Create Gitea standard folders # mkdir -p /var/lib/$giteauser/{custom,data,indexers,public,log} chown $giteauser:$giteauser /var/lib/$giteauser/{data,indexers,log} chmod 750 /var/lib/$giteauser/{data,indexers,log} mkdir /etc/$giteauser chown root:$giteauser /etc/$giteauser chmod 770 /etc/$giteauser # # Create Gitea systemd script # giteasystemd=" [Unit] Description=Gitea (Git with a cup of tea) After=syslog.target After=network.target Requires=mysql.service [Service] LimitMEMLOCK=infinity LimitNOFILE=65535 RestartSec=2s Type=simple User=$giteauser Group=$giteauser WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/$giteauser/ ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gitea web -c /etc/$giteauser/app.ini Restart=always Environment=USER=$giteauser HOME=/home/$giteauser GITEA_WORK_DIR=/var/lib/$giteauser #CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE #AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target " printf '%s\n' "${giteasystemd[@]}" |sed '1d; $d' > giteasystemd cat giteasystemd > /etc/systemd/system/$giteauser.service # # Gitea customization uncomment if you need a personal touch to your gitea installation # mkdir -p /var/lib/$giteauser/custom/templates mkdir -p /var/lib/$giteauser/custom/public/assets/img # # Start Gitea services # systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable $giteauser systemctl start $giteauser # # Gitea postinstall notice # giteanotice=" RIGHT : Now Go to http://$hostname and modify the following settings: IMPORTANT: The postinstall script will take care of port configuration of Nginx and Gitea. DATABASE SETTINGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATABASE USERNAME = $giteauser DATABASE PASSWORD = $giteapwd DATABASE NAME = $giteauser$giteadb GENERAL SETTINGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE TITLE = YOUR SITE TITLE HERE SERVER AND THIRD-PARTY SERVICE SETTINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------- HIDE EMAIL ADDRESSES BY DEFAULT = CHECKMARK ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT SETTINGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADMINISTRATOR USERNAME = ADMINUSERNAME PASSWORD = ADMINPASSWORD EMAIL ADDRESS = ADMINEMAIL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: Once done go back to \"gitea-install\" and run the following as root or using sudo. ./postinstall NOTE: SSH will be disabled after running postinsall. You can modify this in /etc/$giteauser/app.ini All other options in /etc/gitea/app.ini are optional and can be modified as you see fit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " # # Display post install note # clear ; printf '%s\n' "${giteanotice[@]}" # # Adding gitea user number to cfg for use with postinstall # echo $giteauser > giteainfo ; echo $giteaport >> giteainfo ; echo $hostname.conf >> giteainfo # # Cleaning up # rm -Rf giteasql.sql version giteasystemd nginx-install # # End of script #