
112 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable File

# First Created: 17082021 Author: Allan Desc: Installs DokuWiki on Ubuntu requires Nginx #
# Are we root
if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "" && echo "Must be root or use sudo" && echo "" ; exit ; fi
# Are we in the right directory
scriptdir="dokuwiki-install" && whereami=$(pwd |awk -F'/' '{print $NF}')
if [ $whereami != $scriptdir ]; then printf "\nWrong directory! Script must be run from $scriptdir\n\n" ; exit ; fi
# Define variables and functions
red='\033[0;31m' ; bred='\033[1;31m' ; green='\033[0;92m' ; blue='\033[0;36m' ; bold='\033[1m' ; normal='\033[0m'
line (){ for i in {1..50}; do echo -n "$1"; done && printf "\n"; }
phpver=$(php -v |head -1 |awk -F'.' '{print $1"."$2}' |sed 's/PHP //')
phpfpm="php$phpver-fpm" ; phpclidir="/etc/php/$phpver/cli" ; phpfpmdir="/etc/php/$phpver/fpm" ; socket="php$phpver"
# Function title
title () { printf "\nDokuwiki install script V1.0\n\n"; }
# Function usage
usage () { clear ; printf -- "\n"
printf -- "${bold}dokuwikiinstall${normal} \n\n"
printf -- "${bold}Usage:${normal} \n"
printf -- "./dokuwikiinstall <domain> \n"
printf -- "${bold}Examples:${normal} \n"
printf -- "./dokuwikiinstall\n\n"; }
# Function to check if a service is already running or not
serviceno () { printf "\n$service is not running cannot continue...\n\n"; }
servicedead () { status=$(systemctl is-active $service); if [[ "$status" != "active" ]]; then serviceno ; exit; fi; }
# Function input check
inputcheck () {
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then printf "${bold}Error! ${normal}Hostname Empty...\n\n" ; exit; fi; }
# If Nginx is not running then die
service="nginx" ; servicedead
# Check if input conditions are met
usage ; inputcheck $1
# Display title
clear ; title
# Check if nginxsnippets exist if not download them
if [[ ! -d "$nginxfiles" ]]; then
git clone --quiet ; cp -R nginx-install/nginxsnippets /etc/nginx
# Download the latest Dokuwiki
wget --no-verbose
# Create a DokuWiki nginx configuration file
curl --silent > /etc/nginx/conf.d/$1.conf
sed -s -i "s/DOMAIN/$1/g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/$1.conf
sed -i "s/VERSION/$phpver/" /etc/nginx/conf.d/$1.conf
# Restarting Nginx and Phpfpm for changes to take effect
systemctl restart nginx && systemctl restart $phpfpm
# Extract DokuWiki set permisssions and rename according to input from user
mkdir -p /var/www/html
tar zxfp dokuwiki-stable.tgz -C /var/www/html
mv /var/www/html/dokuwiki* /var/www/html/$1
chown -R www-data: /var/www/html/$1
# DokuWiki postinstall notice
IMPORTANT: Go to http://$1/install.php in order to complete the installation:
Don't worry about the warning on the right side of the page this will be
fixed as there still is a post install step to do.
Once done go back to \"dokuwiki-install\" and run the following as root or using sudo.
# Display post install note
clear ; printf '%s\n' "${wikinotice[@]}"
# Cleaning up and saving hostname for use with postinstall
echo $1 > hostname
rm -Rf dokuwiki-stable.tgz nginx-install
# End of script